Friday 13 September 2013

MGT 230 Week 5 Final Exam ·

MGT 230 Management Theory And Practice

1.           Planning involves which of the following?                
2.           _______ is specifying the goals to be achieved and deciding in advance the appropriate actions needed to achieve those goals.
3.           Advances in genetic engineering and biotechnology are expected to produce some food products that will become available year-round even in northern climates. These changes will provide grocers with an opportunity to reduce their shipping costs while at the same time, offering fresher produce to their customers. These advances are an example of changes in the
4.           _________ trends regarding how people think and behave have major implications for management of the labor force, corporate social actions, and strategic decisions about products and markets.           
5.           Which of the following is a step in the decision-making process?
6.           Which is a step in the decision-making process?                 
7.           The targets or ends the manager wants to reach are called
8.           In the _______________ stage of the planning process, managers should weigh the advantages, disadvantages, and potential effects of each alternative goal and plan.
9.           Tactical planning would include which of the following?
10.       The internal analysis component of the strategic management process assesses the organization’s
11.       Suppose you face a question regarding how to handle a defective piece of equipment that your company sold. To tell the customer would cost you a substantial amount of money, but if the equipment fails, it could lead to serious injury of the customer. You decide to disclose the defect and suggest alternatives to eliminate the risk of injury. This decision employs which ethical approach?
12.       Your organization faces an ethical question. There has been a problem with your accounting process that has resulted in lower profits being reported than were actually earned. You are attending a meeting where senior management is deciding how to handle the situation. The people at the table have varying views of what action to take and why. John wants to report the error immediately because he believes that it is the right thing to do and that will keep them all out of jail. Bruce wants to report the error because it is the honest thing to do. After hearing his colleagues' opinions, Carlos says he wants to report the error as well because he believes the group is right. Carlos is using which ethical system for his decision making?                      
13.       In the study by Lawrence and Lorsch, companies in complex, dynamic environments developed _____ levels of differentiation; and _____ levels of integration.
14.       An aspect of the organization’s internal environment created by job specialization and the division of labor is called
15.       An organization with departmentalization that groups units around products, customers, or geographic regions is called a
16.       Which of the following statements about matrix organizations is true?
17.       Sports International (SI) began business by making shoes for athletes. They soon expanded into making shoes for non-athletic purposes. They now manufacture and distribute clothing, sporting equipment, and protective sports gear worldwide. They are departmentalized by products sold to serious athletes, products sold to "weekend" athletes and products sold to sports teams. SI has utilized which form of departmentalization?
18.       The trait known as leadership motivation suggests that great leaders
19.       A leadership perspective that attempts to identify what effective leaders do and the behaviors they exhibit is referred to as the
20.       __________ leadership invites colleagues at the same level to solve problems together.
21.       Leaders who relate to others to serve their needs and enhance their personal growth while strengthening the organization are known as
22.       The basic goal of managing diversity is to:
23.       Future trends in the labor force include a
24.       Behavior that gives purpose and meaning to organizations, while envisioning and creating a positive future, is known as
25.       The correspondence between actions and words that include characteristics such as honesty and credibility is known as
26.       Owners from two businesses have asked you which type of control system they should utilize. To help you make your decision, they have each provided a brief description of their organization. Alpha Omega, Inc., is a large corporation built in the 1950s. They produce chemical concentrates for industrial cleaning. Their organization uses a strict set of rules and regulations with their workforce. They have the ability to track a large amount of data using statistical techniques. Mid-Atlantic Health is a regional medical center. They want to use a control system that will allow them to tie pricing of services and profits to specific services in the medical center. The control systems that should be used in the scenarios above were developed by
27.       Your manager is speaking to a group of employees about a problem in your department. Employees are not complying with the rules regarding clocking in and clocking out each day. The rules in this situation are very important as employees will not receive their correct pay if the clocking procedures are not followed. There are three suggestions being considered to address this problem.
a.            Employees will be monitored at the entrance during shift changes to make sure that each complies with the procedure.
b.            Reports will be reviewed at the end of each pay period. The reports will contain data tracking the number of employees not complying with the procedures each shift. Employees violating the procedure will be counseled to correct the problem.
c.             A new procedure will be developed describing an easier procedure for employees to follow. Training will be conducted so that each employee knows the policy and the procedure before it is enacted.
Option 1 describes which approach to bureaucratic control?
28.       "My job, for some part of each day, is to empower our employees to think of things in new and different ways, not just to come to work and complete the tasks on a list."
29.       Suppose you are interviewing the CEO of a large company. The CEO is telling you about his or her job as a manager and how he or she spends time. Using the description below, which function of management is the CEO most likely describing in this example?
30.       "Every six months or so, my senior management team and I meet to discuss the goals that will be achieved over the next year, three years, and beyond. We then make sure we are clear on who will take responsibility to see that the appropriate actions are undertaken to achieve our goals within the time frame we set."

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